Is this dream a sign from God?

I'm at this place i my life where I'm stable/content being single (eventually wanting true love). No more being with a guy out of loneliness, boredom, curiosity, or the just wanting a relationship for the sake of being in one. At this point, I don't care who I offend. I listen to myself and deep in my heart and mind, I know and can feel what I want and need in a life long partner, I've become "smart" and very protective of myself. I've heard it many times, "oh he's a nice guy" but despite being a "nice guy", (been there, done that million of times) that won't fly with me. After some time, you learn how to be decisive without being specific and not to settle for less.

For the past few months I've had dreams of my exes and guys I've dated... the ones that had some sort of impact or importance were the ones I had dreams of and with each dream, I was able to get something out of it: a lesson re-learned or a realization (about a guy) that just hit me. Lately, my head has been out of the love department (been happily busy with my work and enjoying it). Despite some people who've been nosy and have tried to control my current love life, their "concern" has been leaving me a bit stressed. Last night, I had a dream about an old college friend. I was very attracted to him, crushing on him (don't think it's him necessarily but he represented the kind of guy I like). He morphed into another guy who wanted to take me out to dinner. I felt at ease with him as if we were old friends and I felt (strongly) that I really liked him and was very attracted to him (which rarely happens in real life. He said he wanted to get steak because he had a discount card for it lol we were searching around for the restaurant and we were asking around where it was. I saw him talk to a little girl and as I drew close to them, he was so cute and explaining to her how "grown ups like each other and are in love" in little kid language. I felt much more attractive and caring towards him and became politely affectionate with him. I later realized this guy was someone who had passed away a few years ago, however he was alive in my dream. He was a close friend of many of my college buddies and I had gone to high school w him a few years back. He was known as a nice guy and looked out for everyone. We were never close but knew of each other. It was a cute dream but very random... not sure what to think of it... but I know I should feel blessed...


I do want true love but at this point, I'm not as "worked up" or worried about it as I used to be. If it happens it happens; if a good opportunity presented itself, then maybe...


  • It simply means that your true love is someone from your past. He is intelligent but child-like in your view of love. The warning is that, just as the guy in your dream died, your chances of real happiness may die with your current outlook on life and work. You think your being true to yourself, but you would feel blessed to spend a lifetime with a true love.

  • I don't know how much help i can be but ill try to give you what i understand

    a dream is your subconscious categorizing everything it has encountered and just letting loose with it and it mashes separate events all into one "vision". this is because when you go to sleep your rationality also goes to sleep, that's why some people fly and it seems like a normal thing.

    your subconscious picks up alot more than what you realize, its actually paying attention to EVERYTHING around you and soaks it in. sometimes you make a decision on something like lunch "randomly" with no real explination. chances are your subconscious picked up somethng along the way and it has been present in your mind for a while.

    once you go to sleep, your subconscious gets to work with everything, from your thoughts to what you saw during the day. this categorization you see as a dream.

    from what i understand ,since the subconscious is tuned into everything, your dreams may be things your mind is working on, things you want and are looking for. Things that have stuck out in your mind and seem important enough to have them remembered. even though during the day you may be thinking rationally and "repress"? these thoughts, at night your mind is in a "hahaha! yea right, this is what your looking for buddy" state. (most great artisit and inventors first encounter their greatest ideas in a dream)

    since everything is mashed up in a dream, it may not be about the specific people you dream of, your subconscious is just using that as a way to bridge a gap, a way that you are familiar with and can remember. sometimes its a complete stranger you've never seen, when really your subconscious caught that face amoungst the crowd at a red light earlier in your day.

    you may be looking for love and just dont know it, or admit it. that your life is going great as a single person is fine, cause your busy busy busy and you enjoy it, but it seems like your telling yourself something may be missing with out knowing it and your subconscince is pointing it out.

    as far a spiritual meaning, idk ive had dreams i still cant seem to explain myself.

  • You cannot inform if it is a signal till the item it signaled honestly occurred. But maintain in brain that we've got such a lot of desires that do not come real that once one does, or a little bit facet does, we could have a tendency to get overly-excited and say "Wow, I dreamed that earlier than it occurred", forgetting that we additionally dreamed one million different matters that had not anything in any respect to do with fact.

  • It only proves u did not love any one till date. U r messed up in surfacial encounters. The satisfaction in dreams( or any past event) is reflection of weak persent. Believe n search ur happiness in present.

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