<span >Christmas</span> Parade Canceled?

The socialist elitists are winning.

Yesterday it was announced that the Hollywood Christmas Parade would no longer be held. What's next?

It's a good thing for Pasadena that the Rose Parade isn't tied to any religious holiday.....


La Buena, sorry your a commie sympathizer. As far as your English skills go, the sentence that ends with the question mark (this thing ?) is a question. DURRRRRRRRRRR


  • In the parade's heyday, movie icons like Mary Pickford, Bob Hope and Jimmie Stewart served as grand marshals on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. But the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce says the parade no longer attracts the crowds it once did and, with a $1 million price tag, has become a money loser.

    It's sad to see anything end, but honestly, I'm always in Church on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, so I don't think I've ever really watched this parade. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is still around though, for all of our parade viewing needs.

  • Why even ask a question(if thats what you want to call this whine) if you just going to literally assault anybody who doesn't feel the same way you do. I agree with La Buena, you should get all the facts before you get your panties in a bunch.

    The point of this whole program is so people with different views can come together to share them with the world. you, on the other hand, are an insignificant little twit, who most likely voted for bush, or not at all so why don't you stop whining and do something about it!!!!

  • First of all, I don't see a question here. Second, quit whining. Do you know why it was cancelled? Maybe it was due to funding or some other reason. Maybe not enough people were interested.You should get all the facts before you make sweeping statements.

  • The parade was cancelled due to rising costs and loss of revenue. It has nothing to do with anyone winning or losing anything. Unless you were willing to fund it you have no reason to be complaining.

  • Wow! Who made them cancel the parade, just watch next people wont be getting off work for Christmas becuase it wont be considered a holiday.

  • nicely, I agree that that's definitely rediculous. yet i don't see why it rather is had to deport anybody who isn't like maximum people because of this. i'm so ill of listening to how immingrants, even for this reason legal immigrants, must be deported in basic terms for being diverse from maximum people. And particular, there is freedom of religion here, because of the fact of this it particularly is unconstitutional to deport every physique in basic terms because of the fact they seem to be a muslim. inspite of the undeniable fact that, maximum people might in all possibility help deporting muslims on the grounds that anybody in the U.S. seems to despise muslims and assume that they are all terrorists. i'm shocked that the college district unquestionably cares what muslims think of, given how basic hatred for islam is. EDIT: And John S, what the heck do you advise by way of "gay muslims"?! I heavily doubt there are various gay muslims, as islam stricty forbids homosexuality. I take it you despise the two muslims and homosexuals and are in basic terms lumping all your "enemies" jointly.

  • I thought Santa Was a commie! Red suit, freebies for everybody whether they deserve it or not. He sure does not act like a good God Fearing Republican.

  • Well they already want us to call the easter bunny the spring bunny so I guess they are over taking the world....

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