How do you do a research report for autism?

I'm doing a college research report due Monday and i want to know what questions, or what information I should include? I am having problems with the content of my report.


  • try starting with explaining what it is, then write how it its diagnosed, what are the effects (or how it effects a childs or the familys life), how it is treated. success stories.

  • I would narrow down my field and write on effects of autism in children, autism in adults or the way autism is portrayed in the media (like the movie Rainman). Then I would start by searching google scholars. By just entering key search words you should be able to find several scholarly journals as opposed to what may or may not be true on wikipedia. However, if you're inclined to use wikipedia, I would suggest testing the sources at the bottom of the page. There might also be links to government run autism sites that can answer some questions for you. Lastly, depending on your school, you may be able to search your libraries bookstacks online to see if you can find any books on the matter. Good luck with your paper.

  • Autism is a truly fascinating disease. You can find massive amount of information on the net as well as your local library. Interviews and that kind of thing are everywhere and there are TONS of books and theory columns written on it.

    Try the National Foundation for Autism for a start. Those folks are really help and well informed!

  • Type autism in google. Include information on symptoms, problems, medication, maybe something like important people with autism, some statistics on autism... Not that hard..

  • I'd include: What Autism is? When was it discovered and by whom? Who can get it? How do you get it? Statistics on how many people have it. Is there a cure? Are the ways to prevent it? Can you volunteer or donate to a foundation? And how it affects the people who have it and the people around them.

  • there has been decades of research into autism, dating back to as early as 1910. however it is still not fully understood what causes it. it is to do with how the brain is wired however it will not be understood until we understand exactly how the human brain develops and functions which may be never. or at least, not in our lifetimes.

  • I am a CCMA and mother of an Autistic Child

    Go to Autism Speaks . Org and you will find all kinds of information on Autism for your report

  • you could discuss some debating issues with autism, different treatment methods, etiology, sensory stimulation. If you start looking for journal articles then you will find a topic, search for online peer reviewed journal articles through you school library or google scholar.

  • Uh, look it up in the Internet...can u? The Internet have almost every info you can find and they are updated too.

  • i have autsim and i could help.

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