OMG! YES YOU DO! you know you go try out for a show called look-a-like! In my opinon you would totally get the part! so very lucky to have looks like that. If i saw you on the streets i would go up to you and ask for an autograph.
Soooooo much. You look like him. And I bet you sound like him too. You could go walking down the streets of new York City. And lots of people would be asking for your autograph
No, not at all. You resemble Rick Ocasek from The Cars.
OMG! YES YOU DO! you know you go try out for a show called look-a-like! In my opinon you would totally get the part!
so very lucky to have looks like that. If i saw you on the streets i would go up to you and ask for an autograph.
Soooooo much. You look like him. And I bet you sound like him too. You could go walking down the streets of new York City. And lots of people would be asking for your autograph
You look like the retarded kid that lives down the street.Honest to goodness.
Is that you Jimmy?
hmmm kinda the face structure but not really
Eh, no. Not at all. More like Screech.
a teensy weensy bit. but if i saw you on the street i wouldnt think so.
not really i seen someone who looks more like him but u still nice looking
OMG! Yes! Marry me? Lol. Some girl is going to be very lucky.