how do I report a puppy mill?

who do I report a puppy to? The lady that bred my dog....which I got as a rescue has about 8 different web sites with roughly 15 breeds that she sells. I was told my guy was from a puppy mill. I just recently came upon who and where she is.....Now, who do I report this to?


  • Puppy mills are not illegal..unless you can prove abuse, there's nothing to report.

  • There is nothing illegal about running a dog farm or large scale breeding facility aka "puppymills". Not illegal.

    Now if there is neglect or abuse, then you can lodge a complaint.

  • Department of Ag, as they are the ones that license these places. ASPCA, local (county) Animal Control (they probably wont do anything but may know how else you can contact. Report it to yhe local TV station, they may do a write up to make locals aware of what is going on in their community.

    You could also go door to door and have people sign petitions. This will get the word out also. Community awareness will help!! No one likes thinking about these poor dogs and no one wants this in their community. Band together and get this person shut down!! Thanks for caring!!

  • I think you should report this to maybe a humane society and since they have more power they can report this to people who can stop this horrid business.

  • call the police and report her with her adress and everything. Or you could call the hsus (humane society of united states)

  • I'd report it to either the police or RSPCA

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