Queer Prom?

So my friends and I would like to go to a "Queer Prom" but my parents don't exactly know my ...sexual preference. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how I might approach them about this subject and convince them to let me go to it.

I'm pretty sure that my father already knows and would be alright with it, but my mother is...a different story :(


  • Well, I know it's hard and if you think your dad already knows and would be open to it then talk to him first and he can suggest how to talk to your mom. If you are truly gay then they might as well find out now because you'll be this way the rest of your life, probably. So, since your dad knows your mom a lot better and longer than you he'll know to talk to her. Also, don't ask Dad to cover for you on this one-somehting this big could really put a kink in their relationship! I hope you get to go and have a great time.

  • Well the best thing to do first is to make sure that your father knows and that hes alright with it. If you really don't feel comfortable telling your mother, then you and your father could tell her together.

    Hope this helps!

  • tell your dad first and ask him for his suggestion. he knows ur mom better than anyone else and if you need someone one your side for moral support then he's the best one for the job. good luck!

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