Do Australians like Filipinos?

I'm planning on visiting Australia, but my uncle said that they are racist against Filipinos. This seems unlikely, but I'm just wondering.


  • Well I know I do my neighbour is one I have never met one I didn't like and I have met a fair few.

    I think they are beautiful gentle people who always seem to have a smile on their face so how could anyone could not like someone like that is beyond me..

  • i've been living in australia since i was 6. i'm filipino. now i can tell you that yes australians are racists. but not all of them its just the ones that a dressed as "bogans" with the money bag, running shoes, jumper, and hat. don't go near those guys. don't travel at nighttime if your planning to go to the western suburbs. the racists ones at australia are mostly the people who do nothing, they say foreigners take their jobs when theres only a few number of us compared to them. 100 000 filipinos in australia only.

    stay away from trouble and don't be too paranoid that will wreck your vacation

    however you will find racism in everyculture. its just the type of person. i mean in phillipines you can find that some people are racists to white people cause they think they're rich and overcharge them compared to locals.

  • For weeks now an answerer above has been screaming that because he came with his parents to Australia aged ONE year old and is now 17, nearly 18 he doesn't feel he is a Filipino.

    Now LIAM, above me in this question you say you have been here since age 6?

    Well, having been married 25 years to a Filipina I think qualifies me to answer Australians get pissed off with ANY foreigner who tells inconsistent stories.

  • Yes, usually, as the Filipinos out of all the asians are the only ones that fit in with the West.But!They do take jobs, and yes i am a worker, very sneakily, whether its by working for cheaper, or crawling up the bosses behind, and saying bad things about the other workers.The other problem is the filipino women who chase after old men for citizenship and money, they have a bad name for it.Other than that, no one has a problem with them.

  • Australians like anyone who is open, friendly, honest and with a sense of humour. At the risk of generalising, Filipinos are seen as being very friendly, outgoing and willing to play along with a joke. Because of your history with America and Catholicism you are also seen as being a bit more "western" than most Asian people.

    There is racism in any country and you'll come across small-minded people here too, but most people who are racist and xenophobic will just keep to themselves, they won't go out of their way to target you. Australia is such a mix of people especially in the major cities that we (most of us) just take it all in our stride.

  • You'll be fine.

    There are the odd racist but most people are fine...

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