why is "god" so sexist ?

i dont beleive in god but for those who do why is he so sexist

why do girls get all the pain in everything and boys just get pleasure ?


  • because in a mans brain they are stronger than women...and he is not sexist..he fooled the man..ha..

    cause you know woman is stronger than men by far,he made us this way,so we could laugh at you in the end,cause with the pain comes all different types of happiness,for us..so there..

  • I can make no sense of that question. What pain, what pleasure.

    Is God then being called sexist for that pain and pleasure. Just don't know what you mean. Sorry.

  • Oh some stupid part of the bible says that "woman leads men into sin" when eve persuaded adam to eat the forbidden fruit blah blah blah now women must suffer childbirth and do all the men's bidding and crap.

    Reallly stupid, it's a bunch of BS.

  • The Bible says that God created man in his own image. And that could be but the reverse is also true. People who believe in God see God like themselves. They figure that God shares their values, he likes what they like and he dislike what they dislike. People who claim to know a lot about the will of God often confuse it with their own will.

    Well in those days, women were considered inferior. Ancient people thought women never really grew up. Their voices never deepened, they never grew muscles or hair on their bodies like men did, so they were foolish and 'simple' like children all their lives. So in a marriage, the man should be in control. And, like children, a woman could not be in charge of herself, she couldn't 'own' herself. She belonged to her father until he gave her away, and then she belonged to her husband, her lord and master.

    Modern Christians pick and choose from the Old Testament. They pick the verses that they agree with, but ignore the ones they don't. "Oh, that part isn't important," they'll say. For instance, modern Protestants are very homophobic so they emphasize the part of the Mosaic Law that forbids homosexuality. But the same law bans wearing clothes of mixed fiber, and requires that disobedient children be stoned to death. "Oh, that's not important," they'll say. "I know God didn't really mean that".

    One of the most useful things about the Bible is that it shows us how people felt about things in those days, and how little human nature has changed in all these years. But we don't live in ancient times, we live today, and the circumstances are very different. Women have the same rights as 'human beings' today.

  • um if you are talking about for sex? well because of adam and eve. eve took the apple and so as punishment God said she would therefore give birth in pain. and adam was punished too i just don't know what exactly he got... God is not sexist at all didn't you ever hear of he loves all his children the same?

  • Hmmmmmmmm.

    Sounds to me like you're very unhappy with your life. I doubt that all women would agree with your assessment. And I know that all men would not.

    I would love to have, like, ten orgasms in a single lovemaking session. That would be fantastic. And you have clearly never been hit in the nuts!

  • Its a way of controlling women, who are said to be the weaker sex.

    Such a lovey world, right?

  • Your question is somewhat vague..

    What kind of pain?

    I have two thoughts---(1) to hear you whine (2) because girls got more brains.

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