How is Obama doing as President?

Regardless of whether you are a democrat or republican, do you think Obama is doing a good job as President?


  • Nope. Obama gave us hype, not hope. There has been no change, just more spending.

  • Hell No! Each week that goes by gets worse. Millions have been layed off. Government has taken over businesses, Weak positions on our enemies, spending our money on Pork projects instead of getting our industries etc going. It goes on and on.

    Will be seen by historians if this country doesn't turn communist as the worse president ever.

  • He is doing a great job, Seeing to the plan to wipe out the American way of life, And rebuild with a world Government. Yea he is doing good.

  • Worse than I expected. Obama is trying to make sure that the dollar is ruined and not accepted by any other country. Then the U.S. will be forced into a World Currency and our dollar will be worth 50% less.

    (That's one way to lessen our debt by half!)

  • Chairman Obama is doing a great job! (he will be the downfall of America!)

  • We're in a deep hole because of the last president and because of things that happened before Obama. People expect him to be able to pull us out in a short time. Of course he can't! He is trying his best but he is human and things like what he is trying to do to help take TIME but no one understands this.

  • Obama is a Fascist.

    He considers the US as "The Great Satan".

  • Dear leader wanted to turn us into a socialist dictatorship, but he forgot that not everybody humps his leg.

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