Post traumatic stress disorder?

I have been seeing my Doctors for just over 2years now and I keep sayin the same thing!! I feel really anxious, low and have lost my appitite. I feel as if something bad is going to happen all the time and that if I dont do something a certain amount of times a family member will die!! I have to get up during the nite to check that my family are still alive its really making me feel depressed. My doctor said it post traumatic stress disorder, but why the antidepressants??


  • This does sound like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I agree with others that you do need a new doctor. One that will diagnose you properly AND take you seriously.

    Suffering from OCD myself and feeling similar to the way you have I didn't take well to anti-depressants so I did find a new way to control my OCD with yoga, diet change and alternative medicine as well as learning what triggered my OCD and how to control myself which is hard and does take a long time.

    First of all get diagnosed properly and find out what you REALLY have and then once you have the relief of knowing what is really happening with you seek out a method that will work towards making your symptoms easier to live with.

    Do not discredit therapists though as if you find a good therapist it could work for you. A lot of people have managed to make their mental health problems easier with therapists.

    DO some research once you have a proper diagnosis and find out a variety of methods that you can try whether it is alternative medicine, a proper prescription of anti-depressants suitable for your mental health condition or a therapist.

    Something that claims to "Heal you" Is a load of crap you can't just be "Healed" from a mental disorder but you can significantly reduce symptoms with the right treatment

  • I have had PTSD for a year now, after going through a life-threatening situation with my husband. I have (seriously) overwhelming anxiety and major depression. I tried Zoloft for a month, it helped the depression some but did nothing for the anxiety (which would trigger horrific flashbacks). My doctor switched me to Effexor, which has dramatically decreased both the depression and anxiety to manageable levels (no more flashbacks!). This is the drug from hell, however--side effects can be severe (I had some bad ones for about three weeks); I took it for about 7 weeks last year then quit cold turkey (thinking I was okay). The withdrawal was unbelieveable! There is no way to describe how awful it was. This time, when my doctor says it is time, I will definitely wean off the proper way (which I understand is still bad). Even with the negatives, Effexor pulled me back from the brink of suicide. My advice: do a lot of research on PSTD and alternative drugs & treatments, talk to your therapist and/or psychiatrist about everything, and above all, don't give up! I may not have overcome PTSD yet, but I am determined to do so. I think that is a major part of the battle. Good luck to you!

  • first, antidepressants dont cure anyone, and never will. Their own research shows them to be placebos (look it up).

    Next , whether it is ptsd or OCD, a psychiatrist is not going to cure you. All they have is medications that mask the problems, and no therapy that helps.

    If you want to get better , then hire someone who knows how to help you heal all that, click on 'get started free' read the manual and resource area

    and stop wasting your time and money.

    Here are some references:

    webmd.archives placebo effect of antidepressants


    People who say mental illness cant be cured or healed and only managed, have just bought into the lies and myths of psychiatry and medicine that they have been trying to get people to believe for years. what they mean is THEY cant heal anything .

    It simply isnt true, and some methods are proving themselves.

    I hope you find what works for you.

  • It sounds like you have OCD, GAD and depression but not PTSD however that one would be hard to tell without asking specific questions.

    Antidepressants are often described for anxiety disorders as well as depression. They're also prescribed for other reasons too, sometimes off label. Unfortunately most doctors (depending what country you live in) won't prescribe anxiolytics (anti anxiety drugs) due to risk of addiction however they will for certain cases eg fear of dentist, fear of flying. Even so, your doctor (or a different one) may prescribe some if it is adversely affecting you (which it is).

    I'd highly reccomend CBT or some other form of therapy as CBT is the gold standard for OCD and that should help you immensely.

  • I agree with DD.

    You dont have a clue what DD has seen or anything else. Just more ignorance., from respondants.

    A little research would prove out what was said.

    A psychiatrist will not heal you. Anyone who thinks they are 'healed ' by psychiatry are doing this because they simply are thinking themselves well. , eg placebo effect.

    The problems will always resurface because they are not healed.

    Did it occur to you that DD gave you somethng that is known to work , to help you and that is coming out of experience and knowledge of the antidepressants, and psychiatry, et al.

    No one can say they know antidepressants work and are not placebo. That is a lie.

  • I don't think it's PTSD. It sounds more like OCD. I really don't think you need to be on the antidepressants. Try going to a different doctor. This is really serious man.

  • Doesn't sound like PTSD to me- the symptoms are different. It's probably depression and if it is, the tablets will cure you.

    @DD - just because you personally haven't seen anyone with depression cured with antidepressants doesn't mean they don't work. I have, and they weren't placebos.

  • Well yes... that's textbook PTSD. The antidepressants will probably help, but it's one of those things that takes time.

  • Your doctor is nuts. That's not PTSD that's OCD. My advice would be go see a new doctor

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