Hi everyone,

someone i know is 11 and she really wants to get *colored contacts* she doesn't necessarily need them she just wants to change her eye color, Is there any age limit that there is to get colored contacts? if so what is it and what color should she get if her eye color is light green/blue?


  • Um.. no i don't believe there is an age limit on colored contacts. And since she has lighter eyes she would need to get enhancers not opaques and I would suggest maybe an deep blue or ice blue colored contact. But if she wants to make a dramatic change maybe a brown or honey color.

  • There is not age limits to get colored contacts.

    Whatever color she wants. If she wants her eye color to be brown, she should get brown color contacts. If she wants a brighter or more noticable blue she should get an ice blue or maybe even a grey. Optemetrists can send samples of each color so she can try them all out. However, the samples will not be perscription and might hurt when she puts them on so she wont be able to wear them until she gets the kind in her perscription.

  • There are no age limits.

    Kids star wearing them when they're as young as 8 years old.

    And y would she wnt to get coloured contacts if her eyes are light green/blue?

    But since thats not my decision, you should ask her what colour she wants.

  • well theirs really no age limit where i live as long as you need them and if she has to have them get blue or because blue willl stand out better for her or maybe a gray

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