Navy AC "A" School?

How long is Navy AC "A" school. Is it only 110 calendar days then you go to sea? or is there additional training?


  • Well your school is in pensacola and you might be there longer than your class would keep you. first youll be assigned a barracks then you will wait to class up. you might wait 2 months befor you class up. or 2 days....just depends on how fast the class moves. hope this helped!!!!

  • It really depends... What 'C' schools are open? What is the over-all *need* for people with those 'C' school NECs? How sharp is the competition for the open 'C' school seats? How good are your 'A' school scores? Does the station or ship you're assigned to need any of those NECs?

    Talk to your 'A' school's Command Career Counselor - they can help you sort some of that out.

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