Who likes dallas cowboys?

yeah texas


  • I was a fan, until Jerry Jones sold his soul to Satan, and signed that conga douche TO. The clown disrespects the entire organization with his TD celebration on the star, and then Jerry (and his evil minions) forgive him and turn him into their hero.

    So as long as El Dorado is a Cowboy, I ain't a fan.

  • I love Dallas, but hate the Cowboys.

  • The team is ok - better since Wade Phillips came on board - but I can't stand the little snot nosed owner and until he kicks off - I will not be a cowboys fan,

  • Been a Cowboys fan since the 70s and I've weathered them through thick and thin. Nice to see them doing well again.

  • GO COWBOYS, thats my team,,,

  • I'm pretty partial to them

  • not MEEEEEEE Not on bit ok mybe TO go tex

  • why post this in Dining OUT?

  • What has that got to do with DINING OUT, FOOL!

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