Does Obama smoke 1 or 2 packs a day?


Everyone has already reported on his incredible cigarette habit- but how many packs a day does he actually somke?


  • Two. He stays so nervous that people will find out who he really is before he is sworn in.

  • Less than 1.

  • Why do you care? I understand if a Republican wiggles his foot under a bathroom stall, he's looking for a smoke too!

  • i heard he smoked under a pack a day, like 10 cigarettes a day or whatever

    i also heard hes trying to quit and has cut back considerably

    good for him! quitting smoking is very hard to do

  • 2 a day and then 2 more at night.

    Did you see the interview where he couldn't even answer a question about his smoking! He evaded and lied!

    Michelle calls him stinky and snore-y.

  • Imagine how many he would smoke after some hot white meat like Madison.

  • He refused to answer that question. I think he will take a Clintonesque stance where he will admit to lighting cigarettes but not inhaling.

  • i heard a couple cigs per day AT MOST.

    but with the mess Bush has left , who knows, he may become a 4 pack a day smoker by summer!

  • Who cares???

  • He quit smoking more than a year ago.

    So I would say 0 packs per day.

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