Does Obama act like a Dictator or a President?

It's what you get when you cross a potato with Richard our math teacher. I don't understand the joke but that's what they say all the time. Anyway what do you guy's think?


@ bob - That was a really bad answer.

"Bush did it, so Obama can do it too."

That's...I don't even know were to begin, it's just stupid. It's divide and conquer - you don't see America no more, just your own party, and whatever abuses it does is okay with you. That's just BS and stupid.


  • I think there are probably a lot of things you don't understand. It is impossible for a US President to be a dictator. He can not do anything congress does not approve of. I know the right wing is in a dizzer about the executive order, but we had three hundred of them from George Bush and we never got this kind of question. No. He is a president who has tried his hardest to work with congress with very little if any cooperation. The whole "dictator" thing is just more of the constant stream of right wing propaganda that has been a part of the right wing's attempt to discredit this president.

  • Obama's imperial presidency. He's the most Nixonian president since Nixon, including an enemies list. He's just arrogant, and believes his own press. The people, the Congress or the Courts will not him back down to earth. His time is coming to an end.

  • President, romney is more of a dictator than we will ever know.

  • Obama is neither a dictator or President. He is a spoiled child and a wannabe tyrant.

  • I honestly think he is an empty suit and is being controlled by others. That is why so many democrats have come out recently saying bad things about the president. They are saying to those who control him that either they get their share or they sink his re-election chances. Not that he has any chance of re-election but dems aren't smart enough to realize that.

  • He pretends he is a President, but when he is alone I know he dresses up as a dictator, ohhhh yeeaaahhh baby

  • hahah a president are you kidding me not even close but to answer question Dictator he lies a lot and is full of ****!

  • He has and will continue to act like a Dictator.He bypasses congress,spits on the constitution,makes his own rules by way of regulations or executive orders,and stupid Americans stand by and let him do it.More blame should go to congress,they are the ones letting this mad man destroy America.

  • He acts like a dictator, but he will be ousted soon.

  • A communist, seriously but also like a Muslim

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