Paranormal Activity 2 - Does the dog die?

I know what happens to the parents and the baby, but cant find anything on the internet about the dog.

If somebody has watched the film could they tell me if the puppy is safe or gets hurt/killed.

Thanks :)


I dont want it ruined, but i dont think i could watch it if the dog dies, as my puppy is the spitting image of the one in the film and id get really soppy and emotional lol


  • No - the dog does not die in this movie. Abby does go up against the demon and is pulled off screen and you hear her yelp then is found to be unconscious. They father and the daughter take her to the vet where she has some tests run - all they can conclude is that she had a seizure and the vet assures them that she will be fine.

  • At this point in time, until told otherwise by the script writer(s), it cannot be concluded whether or not the dog dies. There is the scene which everyone seems to remember that the dog is attacked, brought to the vets, etc, but when everyone assumes the dog is still alive they are missing the crucial fact that the time stamp on the footage changes from august to october at the end of the movie while Ali is away on a school trip, and there is still no sign of said canine companion. So, it can be assumed that she either died at the vet or was given away or maybe just sent to the groomers. Who knows? As previously stated, it is very much unclear

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    Paranormal Activity 2 - Does the dog die?

    I know what happens to the parents and the baby, but cant find anything on the internet about the dog.

    If somebody has watched the film could they tell me if the puppy is safe or gets hurt/killed.

    Thanks :)

  • The dog gets hurt and taken to the vet. I did not see the movie but many many web resources state this is what happens. I will not see this movie, I refuse to watch I am legend, ESPECIALLY since I believe in the book he chases the German Shepherd away or something, he doesn't kill it. At the end of the movie he runs into the mutated dog who is now a pack leader of these vampire mutts and his dog remembers him and spares him, but HOLLYWOOD has to go and put their stupid spin on it. Unfortunately that spin will keep me from ever seeing that film. BTW, the reason that people get killed and no one cares and a dog or animal gets hurt and we all get sad is because of a deep rooted feeling that people should have been smarter and known something was coming and animals (especially dogs) are innocent and depend on us. Am I right?

  • I hate when animals die in movies ! Ugh it's so sad . Like a few months ago I saw The Last Exorcism and the girl like brutally killed this really cute white cat , and it really broke my heart even though the sat was perfectly fine . Just cause I have four cats . I doubt the dog dies , but just remember in your head nothing even happened to they dog in the movie :) And when the dog is shown , it's not even a real dog , it's probably like a stuffed dog or something ! Ik how you feel .

  • The dog does get hurt, but it is unclear if he dies. He's taken to the vet, and later you hear Ali on the phone saying the vet wanted to keep him over night. He never shows up again in the film, so I don't know. I hope the dog made it, but it doesn't look good for him. Hopefully in time the filmmakers will shed some light on that.

  • I hate when dogs die in movies!! In one of my favourite movies Rogue, the dog survived all the way up to the end..and that was really nasty death ://:(

    it's not really said, I don't think the dog does die.

    The dog gets 'dragged' off by the demon but we don't see or hear anything happen you just hear it whimper and then silence... it's not too bad of a scene. the family comes home and sees the dog motionless and take her to the vet. The daughter is heard saying it was like she had seizure or something.

    I can't remember seeing the dog after that...crap I can;t fully remember lol but if it does die, you do not see it happen and it is very tame.

  • Abby (i think thats what they call her) the dog doesnt die, as everyone has said she does get attacked, ends up at the goes to work then says he'll pick her up on his way home...daughter calls frantic for him to come home early and due to that he goes straight home...not picking doggie up from vets. So she stays clear of anymore demons in the house : ) I was just as worried as you guys. So dog lovers, you can go see it now, ps you dont see anything "happening" to her, just being carried by dad to go to vets and i'm not sure thats a real dog.

  • i dont think the dog die's. In the movie, the dad leaves the house for a few hours leaving the daughter with the possesed step mom and the baby. but he never seems to come back with her...

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