Why do Republican politicians hate stem cell research so much?

According to surveys, even 57% of the republican party membership supported it. Why do they still try to block it every chance they get?


  • They are against embryonic stem cells. The ban led to another discovery which is stem cells can be found in many parts of the body. They aren't against stem cells from the stomach lining, for instance.

  • The problem is embryonic stem cell research, because there is a fear that these research firms might start paying money for aborted fetuses. Would you want to live in a country where people make money off the death of infants? Where babies are traded like livestock? There is stem cell research done with adult stem cells, that show just as much promise medically, and Republicans have been okay with that, but democrats want to paint the GOP as heartless and cruel, so they make it sound like we are against all research.

  • Why do liberals not bother with the facts?

    The GOP politicians don't hate stem cell research. Some of them are against destroying embryos in order to get new lines of stem cells, and all Bush did was put a cap on federal funding of research, and only on new lines of stem cells. Private companies were still free to do research, as were government scientists.

    In other words, it was a compromise with an issue that was pretty evenly split with the American people.

    It's a shame our current president isn't capable of the same compromises on health issues.

  • No republican hates stem cell research that I've ever heard of. We are so lucky to have it! Republicans do not like embryo stem cell research. To mess with anything associated with human life is wrong and as of today they have yet to find one accomplishment from all the years of research. And it is totally unnecessary when you can use your own stem cells and not have rejection problems.

  • For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDK6j

    Believe it or not there are very few politicians that care about you and me and thats the truth... I am 70 years old and I truthfully mean this I have only seen a hand full of them that really care about you... I have voted every year since I was 21... Todays politicians care about being retained.. So if you will notice. when the time to vote comes around their politics change... and as far as the sticking to the political agenda i.e. Republican or Democrat.... These buggers hate each other.. and the only way they are going to vote for the other side is a vote in their area or they are mad at their own party.. As far as flexibility with any president.... They do what they want... Stem Cel sure we want it... Bring our boys home from Iraq? sure we want it... But politics is money.... Big money ... Sorry to say this but get used to it..... I did... Have a great day... Grant in Hershey, Pennsylvania

  • They hate those with EMBRYOS

    NOT stem cell research

    I'm against embryonic stem cell research unless for example a woman miscarriages naturally and the embryo was used to study

  • To say that Republicans hate stem cell research is very misguided. In most cases, the objection is to the methodology used to acquire the stem cells. If these cells come from aborted fetuses, then there is an objection. If they come from umbilical chord blood, the objections fade away.

    Don't be so simple.

  • I can tell you why I do, and I am neither a religious fundy or a hard-core republican. In fact, until this election, I voted democrat. I am against FETAL stem cell research because I believe babies are people before they are born. Therefor experimenting with them is as abhorant to me as experimenting on 8 year olds would be.

    There is no need to use fetal stem cells. Umbilical stem cells work just as well and we don't destroy a living being to obtain them.

    Also, most research using fetal stem cells is for things like Parkinsons disease. The sort of diseases that tend to hit older people. How do you justify destroying a baby to extend the life of someone who has already lived a fair life? It's selfish and irrational.

    As good a question as the one you asked is why do liberals tend to be fine with abortion, even when the baby is capable of living on it's own, yet are against the death penalty for murderers?

  • They only oppose embryonic stem cell research. There are other kinds that they support, such as adult stem cell research, which to my understanding is just as effective.

  • I just tried https://webmd.im/verispy last year to see if I could Locate my birth-father. My bio father left me when I was 7, and has refused to be a part of my life since. I grew up with my bio Mother and Step-father. I have only ever talked to my biological father a couple times until now. All I knew of him personally when I conducted the search was his first name, last name, and the street address of a previous address he used to have.

    When the search results came back based on the minimal info I had, It pulled up a recent address along with even a phone number. When I called the phone no., I heard the voice of what sounded like it may be my step-brother. I asked if Joseph(my biological dad) was there, and he said no but to try back after 5.

    I haven't done anything with the info, But I found what I was wanting to have.

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