Past Miscarriages, do I need amniocentesis test?

I would just like different opinions from women that are or was in the same situation that I am in. I've have two miscarriages in the past year and a half (at week 5 and week 10) but now I'm pregnant!! I'm 17 weeks along, the doctor suggested that I get amniocentesis test. I've talked to all of my sisters and friends and they have never had a one. So was it suggested cause of my history? I'll definitely talk to the doctor at the appointment for reasons but I just would like to hear what happen to you!!! Thanks


I'm 25 years old. :0)


  • If you have a history of miscarriages, I probably wouldn't do an amnio. It's basically going to tell you whether or not your baby has any definite health concerns, but there is a 2% chance of miscarriage. The test is optional, and what it really comes down to is this: If your baby has something wrong, are you going to abort? If you'd keep it either way, don't have the amniocentesis.

  • I had one miscarriage at 16 weeks. I am pregnant again (23 wks)and except for some cramping in my 17th week everything appears to be going well. I find it weird that your doctor is requesting this unless you are over 35 and who have an abnormal AFB blood test.

    I personally would not do this test, unless my blood work results were not normal and showed that my child had could possible have down syndrom or another genetic disorder. If your blood work is normal I suggest you not do this test because it can cause miscarriage and that is something you are trying at all costs to avoid.

    If your doctor is worried because of your miscarriage have him or her send you to a specialist that does a special ultra sound. That's what my Dr. did when I started cramping at 17wks. She wanted to make sure I did not have a problem with my cervix.

    Good luck!

  • You don't list your age, but an amniocentesis is usually used as a definitive screening for chromosomal disorders. Having two miscarriages, while unbelievably heartbreaking, does not necesarily mean you have anything wrong with you. Please make sure you find out all of the risks of amnio before agreeing. And find out your doctor's reasons behind suggesting it.

  • once you're having a spontaneous miscarriage, you are going to frequently have vaginal bleeding, abdomen suffering, and cramping. Bleeding is often maximum efficient reasonable recognizing, or that's particularly severe. Your well-being practitioner will ask approximately how plenty you have bled—an excellent style of the time the quantity of pads you've soaked via making use of. you will be asked approximately blood clots or whether or no longer you spotted any tissue. soreness and cramping upward push up in the cut down abdomen. they might upward push up on basically one section, the two components, or in the middle. The suffering may additionally circulate into your cut down back, buttocks, and genitals. you are able to desire to no longer have alerts of being pregnant similar to nausea or breast swelling/tenderness once you have have been given experienced a miscarriage.

  • The doctors got pay bonuses from your Insurance company if they can make more money to test you for whatever ... maybe fungus too .... aks him, where is the research on any medical bord or support to do so or on any web side ? I'm sure you are OK and will be .... maybe you should perform manual prostate test on this doctor for cancer and he could explain how to do it he he he he - just joke.

    Have fun and don't worry.

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