Why do zoos exist??

As an X-Animal Keeper, I can tell you that zoos are built and maintained for one reason, and one reason ONLY. For the sake of the patrons, NOT the animals. Working at a zoo is like being a jailer. The public comes in a sees the animals in their exhibits, then leaves and the animals are no longer thought of. But, those poor creatures will be in those cages and confined to those exibits for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. They will NEVER be free again. Never !! Most of these animals suffer a great deal because of their captivity and rarely do they live a normal life span. I could tell you really bad stories about captive zoo animals but there is not the room.

The best place for any wild animal is in the wild, unless it is extremely endangered and put in a "wild animal park" until it's numbers increase and it can be re-released back into its true environment.

90% of the money zoos make go into improvements for the public NOT the animals, even if an animal is suffering due to its exhibit.


  • Wow... either the zoo you worked at sucked or you are really stupid. If it was the zoo, I am extremely sorry for you. However after taking a moment to re-read what you wrote I am going to go with perhaps a combo of the two.

    Allow me to say this... there are good zoos out there and there are bad. To say that all zoos out there are only for the people and not the animals is nothing short of ignorance.

    Animals never will be released? Are you kidding me? You worked at a zoo and really think that. Do you even take the time to read science journals or watch the news? Many zoos in the US alone are on breed and RELEASE programs or rehab and RELEASE programs. Yes the vast majority of animals will never go to the wild, but there are many who do. Heck the California Condor would be extinct if it was not for such programs. Try looking into the rehab and release programs with manatees, or the breed and release program with mexican wolves.

    If you think 90% of the money zoos make do not go into animal things then again... ignorant. Have you even been in a respectable zoo as of late? Have you seen the former concrete pits turned into lush habitats with trees, grass, waterfalls and streams?

    I am sorry... is there even a question in this or are you just in the mood to rant about something you clearly have no idea about.

    I strongly suggest you take the time to visit a few respectible zoos and see what they have become or take the time to read and learn about the countless lives zoos have saved or the millions of dollars they have raise and DONATED to CONSERVATION programs around the world instead of placing that money into their pockets.

    Again, not all zoos out there are peaches and cream... and even the best zoos still are trying to make things better. But your little rant there is nothing but, well, stupid.

  • If you hate zoos so much, why did you choose to work in one. Maybe you did not work in a good zoo. My son worked in 3 different zoos as an elephant handler and loved his work. he married a veterinarian too. I have been to a lot of zoos and have gone behind the scenes too and never say any abuse of the animals at all. If we did not have any zoos in the world, many, many people would never learn about wild animals at all. Also many zoos are responsible for keeping a species from going extinct. The Audubon zoo in New Orleans is the only place where one can see a white alligator. I just think you have not been to a great zoo. Try to go to the San Diego zoo or wild life park and see what a great zoo can be.

  • i think zoos are good for people..it gives them a chance to learn about the animals and see them up close, now if a zoo was treating an animal poorly then it should be reported and closed down, i live in nc, and ive been to the zoo here many times, and all of the animals look happy, they have huge exhibits, and they get a good amount of food everyday, if you get there early enough you get to see the zoo keepers feeding them....maybe its not the happiest place for some animals but i dont think they are treated poorly atleast not here, and they always seem happy to me...maybe its just the zoo where you are from that treats them unfairly

  • I agree 100%. I worked at our local zoo 9 months. While working with the animals was fun. OMG management and the poor treatment of "non-essential" (Livestock and other animals that is cheap to come by) animals was terrible. I was just amazed at how bad off some of the animals were treated. Everything from poor exhibits, limited food and poor vet care.

    But you know it is for the almighty dollar.

  • Most Zoo's exist to breed animals that may be returned to the wild

  • Great ranting. Peta member?


  • i agree 100%. i love animals and want an up close experiance but not if they are in cages.

  • Was there a question here or was this just a rant?

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