Egg drop project!! ASAP?

heyy guys! ok so my teacher has assigned us to do a project where we drop and egg off a building and let it not break. (A parachute) He supplies the parachute part but we have to make the basket. But, the egg has to be suspended, like if you use a can, the bottom has to be cut out. The limit on objects are 6 items and i have no idea what to do!!!

pleaseeeee help! thankss(:


  • Here's how I did a project similar to yours. I had a medium size hamster ball (I bought at pets smart) or you can use 2 plastic bowls glued or taped together. Stuff half of it with bubble wrap, then put the egg in. Then stuff the rest and then put the parachute on how ever you want (you don't really need a parachute though)

    But about the suspended part, I don't know if my way would be "legal"

  • I remember doing this when I was in middle school. We didn't have the suspension rule, but I would suggest using two pieces of stretchy fabric and cocoon the egg at the top of a coffee can. This will minimize impact to the egg which is what you're trying to do. Don't use a lot of padding, it doesn't do anything.

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