true crime : new york city?

i bought this game for the playstation 2 and tried to use it on my playstation 3 it was acting weird the controls didnt work properly and when i got pat the training level and was about to start the full game it froze with me stuck in an elevator

does anyone know if this is a problem with the game or is it a problem with my console ( all my other games work fine on it maybe i need to download a new patch )


  • It is probably a combination of both. TC:NYC was a broken game when it was released, soo many bugs that broke the game. I bought it on day of release way back when and took it back after a few days. After the brilliance of Streets of LA I was looking forward to this, but it was plain broken. You would drive at full speed and the car would end up in the air or the screen would freeze. Shooting people would cause the game to crash.

  • Probably the ps3, 7th generation games consoles(playstation 3) are able to but aren't reallly meant to play 6th generation games(playstation 2 games).

    And sometimes when you do they may have problems with graphics and other things,like your game freezing and you being stuck in an elevator.

  • I had the same problem when trying to play it on my Playstation 3, then my friend tried it on his PS2 and it worked fine. I am guessing it is some kind of bug or something. Hope this helped

  • Ulimited Ammo:carry L1+R1 and press Circle sq. X sq.(2) Triangle on the Compstat/Map coach exhibit Xbox: B, X, A, X, X, Y countless staying potential:carry L1+R1 Cirlce sq. X sq. X Circle on the Compstat/Map coach exhibit Xbox:B, X, A, X, A, B Double harm:carry L1+R1 X(2) sq. X(3) on the Compstat/Map coach exhibit Xbox:A, A, X, A, A, A $a million Million:carry L1+R1 sq.(2) Triangle sq. Triangle sq. on the Compstat/Map coach exhibit Xbox:X, X, Y, X, Y, X Ghetto city:carry L1+R1 X sq. X Triangle(3)on the Compstat/Map coach exhibit Xbox:A, X, A, Y, Y, Y Redman long previous Wild mini interest:Triangle X(2) Circle Triangle sq. on the Compstat/Map coach exhibit Xbox:Y, A, A, X, A, X Zombie Mode:carry L1+R1 Circle Triangle sq. X sq. X Xbox:B,Y,X,A,X,A

  • it could just be the game,as some one else said this game was full of bugs to begin with so it may not work properly on the ps3.hope this helps.

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