Why do xbox arcade games not cost microsoft points anymore?

I was going to but Alan Wakes american nightmare with microsoft points but now it says it cost money. It says this with all the other arcade games i tried to buy. Is it the same but just says it costs money? i don't know what the deal is and i can't purchase it because i can't use a credit card. Can someone please tell me what this is and how to purchase it?


  • Microsoft stopped using MS points. While the prices were concrete in the US, they fluctuated wildly in other regions. Each region now uses it's own local currency. MS point cards are still accepted, but they're automatically converted to their equivalent money value.

  • microsoft changed it to local currency. as for the credit card problem, contact microsoft support

  • If you had points they got turned into credit and are still on your account and you can still use a points card if you have one

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