How to say 'maybe' to a marriage proposal?

I suspect my boyfriend is going to propose to me. I like him a lot, but it's only been two months and I'm still not over my exbf. However, this guy is really good to me and I know he would make a good partner in life. But I'm really not ready for marriage yet! We need to get to know one another better. However, I'm leaning toward yes!!

How do I say ''maybe' without breaking his heart or causing a breakup?


We're both around 30 years old and are both at a point in our lives where we are looking to settle down with someone.


  • You're both around 30 so you feel you should be settling down with someone? You like him a lot but it's only been two months and you're not entirely over your ex? First of all do not say yes. Second, why are you in this relationship? You just admitted you're not entirely over an ex, so that technically makes this guy a rebound! Did you take a good amount of time between relationships to be single and figure out exactly what you need, or are you a relationship jumper who can't endure being single for a while?

    You don't say maybe to a marriage proposal. A maybe to a marriage proposal is a no. Head this off at the pass and just have a "relationship check-in talk." Talk about future goals, and when the topic of marriage comes up say that he is definitely the type of guy you could marry some day when you're ready for marriage.

  • Why not just ask for a really long engagement. That a yes but not yet. Two months is really way too soon to really know someone as well as you need to. If he can't understand that, I would really question his motives. People in a big hurry, make me think there is something going on I haven't figured out. Time will tell. Good luck. Good guys are hard to find and I found that as I got older they were harder and harder find. I did find as I aged that men that wanted me on a permanent basis usually had nothing to offer while I did. Men that were financially secure were not in the marriage market at least to start. Just be careful and you are right to bide your time.

  • Tell him its too early! Two months is a really short time, so just be honest, tell him that you really like him and what you've learned about him so far has you wanting to say yes, but that getting to know each other better is really the smarter thing to do. OR - you can say yes but tell him you'd prefer a long engagement to get to know each other better, like maybe a year?

  • If he proposes now you do not say maybe, you say no. If you aren't over your ex, you aren't even ready to be in a relationship. If you say yes/maybe right now, then you aren't looking to settle down, you are just looking to settle for someone.

  • Seems you should talk about your goals before he asks.

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