Is Obama delusionsal?

Is Obama delusional?

Isn't he the one who had the idea for Sequestration?

Since when is a cut about 2.5% considered drastic?


Obama signed it.

If sequestration is so bad, why did he sign it?


  • He doesn't care about the people. He actually flat out lied, simply to make everyone more upset. Then, as always he blamed the republicans for his idiotic idea. His only goal for these next for years is to destroy the republican party, which is the one actually trying to save this sinking ship. The captain of this ship is going around shooting everyone who is trying to patch it up. In answer to your question: no, he's not delusional; he knows exactly what he's doing, which makes it all the worse.

  • "Delusionsal"?

    No. That's not actually even a word!

    Obama has managed to achieve the rank of 'Commander in Chief'....what have YOU done with your miserable life, Sport?

    I believe that if you wish to find an individual who has failed MISERABLY in life, yet imagines they are far more important than they actually are, you need look no further than your bathroom mirror!

    "Sequestration" is an idea that has existed in US government since 1985, when it was defined in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of imagine that Obama "had the idea" that prompted Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX), Senator Warran Rudman (R-NH), and Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC) to create it (under RONALD REAGAN, derp!) is to announce to the entire world that you are a complete moron!


    (At least you are honest, and willing to ADMIT that you are a clueless fool!)

  • All political Blah, Blah...Obama and his endless quest to destroy and rob Americans.

    Our cuts should have been 3xs more than Sequestration and he prevented the best use of time and real brain-power to accomplish that.

    Most people do not agree with Obama. He keeps insisting they do.

    The consequences of what Obama has done will be the next chapter that will be ugly.

    Who will he blame AGAIN?

  • No you seem to forget Congress(which is controlled by Republicans) wrote the bill creating the sequester!

    If he did suggest it it was to force Congress to act!

    How many recesses has Congress voted to take since the 'fiscal cliff' negotiations finally ended?

  • Are you an idiot?

    Whether it was his idea or not, Congress had the power to repeal it and end this whole debacle. Unfortunetly, Congress is too tied to obstructionism and partisanship to bother to care.

  • All you are doing with these questions of yours is demonstrating how little you understand about sequestration. You're simply parroting rightie rhetoric on the subject.

  • This is good for Obama in the long run.

  • He let Republicans get their wish.

    How do they have no responsibility for that?

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