fat lose due to no sleep?

if fat is used to store energy, shouldn't fat people be able to lose weight by getting them selfs tyred and not eating much?


  • The problem with eating very little is that the body will go into survival mode in order to protect itself; it will slow down the body's metabolism even more than usual. An overweight person's metabolism is *already* very slow and sluggish to begin with, so the last thing they would want to do is not eat enough. However, they need to focus on foods that are packed with the types of nutrients that the body requires to repair, rebuild, and maintain itself (ie. fruits, vegetables, grains) and avoid those that are just empty calories (ie. cakes, candies, potato chips).

    On the other hand, getting enough sleep is vital to anyone who is attempting to lose weight. Studies have shown that getting enough (deep level) rest affects the proper output and stabilization of the body's hormonal levels, which is critical to weight loss.

    Bottom-line: eating well, sleeping fitfully, and getting some form of active movement (exercise) in everyday are the fundamental basics of health.

  • Well how would you get yourself tired silly? Get up and move, take a walk, join a club, get moving and you'll sleep like a baby at night.

    If you like to eat being fit would be great for you, as you can eat all day, just the right things!

  • You're not serious, are you?

    Call JENNY if you must.

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