davinci code blues?

I dont believe that all of this drama is needed. if you are shaken by a FICTIONAL movie and a FICTIONAL book the clearly your faith ib God isnt as strong as you thought it was. I why cant people just leave simple things alone.


  • please stop with the davinci code , por favorrrrr

  • I think that is the whole point of the book and movie, to shake up Christians. Maybe some or a lot will be shaken, but I won't be. I have not read the book and probably won't. I might see the movie, but I certainly won't be paying to see it in the theater. Will it change my mind? NOOOO. I don't understand why people get in such a fury over anything that debates Christian beliefs...as Christians we know what is right.

  • It just amkes the Roman-Catholic community a little mad because it basically falsifies their beliefs. The book is fiction, we all know that, but it is understandible how it is upsetting to some. I don't believe that it should be banned, or anything; but like I said it is easy to see how this upsets the Catholic community. I guess I am just straddling the fence on this one.

  • I am catholic and I really liked the book. It's very entertaining and well written. I never for one second thought any of it could be true. I really don't think this is going to turn christians' faith or make non believer's in christ believe, I just figure everyone has logic and knows it's for entertainment purposes.

  • I don't like novelists messing with historical realities that directly effect people's faith in God. I was going to get all riled up about it, but it sounds like the movie is going to bomb anyway.

    God bless!

  • Many people cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction.

  • Anything to capture the public eye is a sure money maker, including lowering oneself to false suit.

  • Let's face it, if you can con these people with a mythical text a couple of millennia old that's riddled with hearsay and contradictions, you can con them into believing one that's fresh off the press.

  • i think people just have a thing with sueing.

  • thanks for clarifying that its FICTIONAL

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