Do You Clean A/C Vents?

I have never had central AC before and I don't know what to do. Several places are advertising to clean the vents, but I've heard people say it is a waste since they can't get all the way up the vent. What do you do?


  • Well, I think it's hogwash! We have had this house for 14 years. The vents are not dirty in there yet. I'm thinking if a person was a total slug and never changed the return air filter, then maybe the ducts could possible get some dirt in there. Or maybe if the system was run without a filter. but if you change your filter about once every 2 or 3 months, there shouldn't be any dirt and whatever in there.

  • Generally, cleaning the duct work isn't a regular maintenance requirement. There will always be some dust there and once you clean it, there will be dust there again instantly. Change the filter at the AC unit and you should be fine.

    However, if you and your family continually have bad allergy problems, then you may want to consider it. But have an assessment done by a certified mold company, not by the company that would be selling you the duct cleaning!

  • My vents are in the ceiling, so no, I don't like take them off and scrub them or anything. If they look dusty or cloggy, then I will take the wand to my vacuum and suck the dust off them. But only like once a year or something. They don't really get dirty.

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