Do girls like paramedics? (Girls only)?

Do girls like guys that are caring and want to save lives? lol. Getting my paramedic certification soon in LA, and I was wondering if there was any additional plus's to the job lol


  • The fact that you even asked this makes you a total tool. When you get out of school and realize that 99.9% of calls are extremely basic and you will very rarely ever actually save a person, and since you'll be a brand new rookie you will spend most of your time taking people to dialysis or doctors appointments you're going to feel like an idiot.

  • haha Well, young ones i think are hot. But I have myself a man ... ( not a paramedic though ..... going into the AADF (Australian Army Defense Force)). ;)

    Goodluck on a possible additional plus. haha xx

  • Im thinking mabye i should become a paramedic now.

  • Sure sure. Long as they aren't makin out with the unconscious chicks. *jokes*

  • I am a nurse I think you know my answer :)

  • Yup.... why not...

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