
there is a "law" on yahoo answers that you cannot be below of a certain age on here?? why and is this true? no one should be deprived of learning something new and fascinating about another culture or get an answer to a really hard question of theirs, right?


  • Yes, you have to be over 13.

    It's because the US has a thing called the On-Line Child Protection Act (or those words, rearranged, I often get it wrong).

    Legally, they have to say you can't be here if you're under 13.

    It's not about wanting to deprive the young of learning opportunities, but about not involving them in communications that would expose them to adult material, or leave them open to on-line child predators.

    Mostly, its a matter of US law.

    This isn't the only site on the web.

  • The reason they have the 13+ age limit can be summed up with THREE letters: CYA




    They do this because of the legal ramifications of allowing under-aged children on here - both for Yahell's and the kids safety. The idea is to prevent kids of this age from being exposed to material that might offend (or that they won't understand) - and to limit them from sharing their personal information (name, address, etc.) to the sickos (pedophiles) that troll just about ANY message board!

    It's ALSO the same reason they put ratings on Movies and Video Games ;);););)

  • that's true, but there are some edgy/mature questions on here and i wouldn't want my seven year old brother reading some of this stuff...

    i agree that it's a shame they can't learn, but i also think it's important to protect them from certain things. they have parents and teachers to answer their questions (although i know most of them don't always answer to their satisfaction)

    hope that's a help :)

  • i would presume it is linked to child safety. agree with the opportunity to learn but this needs to be counterbalanced as some of the people on here are a little too forward/rude.

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