Is this a realistic memory "problem"?

I say "problem" because it's not actually life threatening. But anyway.

So I'm writing this fanfiction, and I have a character that has this memory "problem", but I can't tell if it's actually possible or not.

In detail, she has a sort of odd memory. The character is the kind of girl that's "free-spirited" and she loves to go to new places and what not. Disappear for months and come back like nothing happened. She's seen L.A., New York, Mt. Rushmore, etc. So she meets these really great people and becomes their friends as she stays there for so many months, but when she leaves, even though she remembers their faces, she doesn't remember their names.

For instance, say she meets these people called Adrian and Betty in NYC. Lollipop (the name of the character) stays with Adrian and Betty for, let's say, two months, then leaves because she has to go back home to, say, North Carolina. When Lollipop leaves NYC, she remembers Adrian and Betty's faces, but not their names. However, if she were to go back to NYC, she would recall their names again.

I was just wondering if this is pretty realistic or not. I can't call it a "selective memory", per say. It's an unconscious thing her brain does. I do plan on using this "problem" but I just wanted to know if there's an actual name for this sort of thing.

P.S. If it is a real thing, I'll be surprised because I sort of made this memory thing up.


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