Translate this short paragraph from spanish to english, pretty easy?

I need to translate this horoscope from a spanish magazine to english and it's 4395843 times harder than I thought it would be. No bueno. A majority of the words aren't even in my spanish dictionary which doesn't really make sense. And I realize that the verbs are conjugated haha. Please help me translate this! I'm so lost!

Debes tener en cuenta que para aprovechar bien las buenas condiciones que te envolverán, tendrás que hacer cambios en tu vida profesional. Dedícate con mayor empeño a tu trabajo y prepara los nuevos proyectos que te propuiste llevar a cabo a principios regresará a tu vida dispuesto a todo con tal de reconquistarte.

I understand a lot of words, just not enough to put them into a sentence.

Thank you so much for helping me!


  • You should keep in mind that to take advantage of the very good conditions that will wrap you, you will have to make changes in your professional life. You dedicate with greater pledge to your work and prepare the new projects that you plan to carry out at the beginning will return to your life willing all provided to regain you.

  • Bear in mind that to make the most of good conditions that will wrap you'll have to make changes in your life. Dedicate more effort into your work and prepares the proposed new projects that will take place in early return to your life willing to do anything to Reconsider.

  • something about good conditions, something about professional life. Dedicate something about your work and prepare new projects...principles to carry out...return to your life prepared to get back everything?

    Sorry that's the best I can do lol. Try this site:

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