is Nigeria in Africa?

is it?


  • Holy Crap,'re kidding right? Yes it is

  • Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa It borders on the Gulf of Guinea, between Benin and Cameroon

  • Nigeria is a country in West Africa, the most populous (currently) of the African nations!

    It borders Benin, Chad, Cameroon & Niger.

  • Nigeria is the real Africa!

  • Are you serious?? You are joking right?

    Get a map!! It would have been easier for you since you were on the computer when writing the question to take time and search for a map of Africa online.

  • Yep - West Africa

  • No I would say that Africa is in Nigeria.No kidding.

  • Yes. A country in Africa known for its scams and criminal exports. You know those letters you get in your email offering you 30 percent of 50 million dollars if you send them your name, drivers license, bank account number, and $7,500 for "customs fees"? That's a 419 scam. Comes mostly from Nigeria.

  • sure it's in Africa, as if u never been to a school yet

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