How do you rate Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister.?


  • he is the best qualified prime minister ever to happen to India.

    in fact yu can call him pride of india

    The best thing happened to India was that some sensible people elected Dr. Manmohan Singh as the Finance Minister in 1991. Now Sonia Gandhi selected him as the Prime Minister of our Great Nation.

    EDUCATION /Qualification of sri manmohan singh

    Stood first in BA (Hons), Economics, Punjab University, Chandigarh

    1952; Stood first in MA (Economics), Punjab University, Chandigarh

    1954; Wright's Prize for distinguished performance at St John's College, Cambridge

    1955 and 1957; Wrenbury scholar, University of Cambridge,

    1957; DPhil (Oxford), DLitt (Honoris Causa); PhD thesis on India's export competitiveness

  • Friend,


    He is highly mature and very diplomatic. He is FIRM , though may not appear to be so.


    In today`s news paper , Mr Kuswanth Singh has remarked that Mr Manmohan Singh is better than Nehru ji.

    That may be an exaggeration, but surely it says Mr Man Mohan Singh is a Good Administrator and Decision Maker.

  • I wish if Dr. Manmohan Singh was a waiter to deliver orders, but unfortunately he is not. Prime Minister of India represents the people of India, and he should consider of the wish of the people as command, but sky rocketing prices, Maoist atrocities, and corruption in his government does not allow me chose either of your options. With present performance as a Prime Minister I rate Dr. Manmohan Singh as bad Prime Minister, he is surviving only because there is no alternative.

    Dr. Manmohan Singh as an individual I totally agree with our eminent user friend Shree Radhakrishna( prrkrishna)

    Edit @ Raj Kish Sir, I did watch that conference of PM too. PM did not say that I will clear the way for Rahul Gandhi. As a matter of fact, he said he has lots to do so no question of retirement, and when he was asked by journalists that what about clearing way for Rahul Gandhi, he answered, "whomever" party decides, he will clear the way. He never mentioned the name of Rahul Gandhi. In the same conference, he mentioned that he has offered cabinet birth to Rahul Gandhi but Rahul is not ready to take up and he will be very happy if Rahul Gandhi joins his cabinet. If you want, I can search and find somewhere the video of that conference for you.

  • A genius in his academic field but a gentleman in a wrong profession.Not only is he soft but unable to assert himself presumably due to various compulsions.If only he were more authoritative and

    assertive he would be an outstanding CEO of the country.His single statement that he would make way for Rahul to become the PM if the Party so wanted, alone speaks volumes for his rather weak and meek character.Have a Great Day.

  • sir, please don't mistake me. is this question for youngsters or elders ? For politicians or people ? sir, we are living in free india. we should sow good seeds in the minds of people. The prime minister post is not an ordinary post. The prime minister is ruling the country. The prime minister is the leader of our country. so, who are we to weigh a prime minister ? How much we show this ? i fully know you will not mistake me and this is the first time i come with doubtful answers. sir, please we can proceed showing good directions and should not make a great country's prime minister in the hands of debate.

    This is western culture and please know we are living in hinduism culture. First the ruler should be respected is the essense of manu smiriti. Avvaiyar too told this '' neer vuyara nel vuyarum '' poetry.

  • It is not Indian culture to throw shoe on our leaders.

    I agree with Aparna

    We must respect them.

    He is not an ordinary person but a learned man.

    Only in a presidential or dictatorship form of govt. a person can show his own performance.

  • very poor

    i am highly ashamed that such a person is the pm of my country

    how much has the daily commodity prices have raised during his tenure

  • Puppet of Soniya Ghandi

  • None of the above, he's corrupt just like all of India's government.

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