life as a mechanical engineer?

any information, comments, personal experience, opinions, etc. about being a mechanical engineer would be much appreciated!


  • I'm an EE. I worked with female mechanical engineers at Philips North America, where we worked on multi-disciplinary teams, designing medical imaging systems, over a 10-year period.

    The engineering work environment is excellent. The multi-disciplinary engineering teams include both male and female engineers and scientists from many nations in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as well as North America. The work environment and after-work environment is a comfortable, welcoming environment for all engineers.

    Please believe me when I say that there is absolutely no hint of harassment; no inappropriate comments; nothing to create discomfort; no put-downs. Everyone is treated with respect.


    I'm sure there are a few companies -- on the margins of society -- that do permit hostility. However, in the year 2010, I believe that virtually every world-class U.S. corporation creates a work environment as welcoming as the environment I enjoyed at Philips.



  • I would not recommend this particular discipline for a female as it may force her to be a way from her comfort zone.

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