Digital cameras for macro photography?

Is olympus c-7000 or cannon power shot good?


  • Both have the ability to get a - close focus. True macro, I don't think so and if they could they would be so close to the subject as to block the light getting to it..

    If macro photography is becoming a real heart throb for you, you may have to consider stepping up to a bit more expensive (but not THAT much) camera that can take a true macro lens.

    Nikon has a nice camera called the D-40. It can take many lens offered by Nikon including their macros. However, macro lenses will cost almost as much as the camera did (or more depending on which one) but you will have a true system worth keeping and using for a long time to come.

    There are some Point & Shoot cameras with fixed lenses that LOOK like a D-SLR, but their lenses are fixed. They do not come off. Some of these have a very close focus ability and may be worth a looking into. Nikon. Fuji and others are some.. I would visit a local camera store, not a big box store, but a real camera store and talk to the people there. They are not part time and this IS their job. Tomorrow they will NOT be in housewares... Ask a sales person about getting close and what cameras can do it either the best or at least well and work from there. They will show you, at the counter, how close many can get and then you can be the judge..

    Bob - Tucson

  • Here is a "link" to 22 different macro images made with Canon Powershots - the SD950-IS, SD900 and SD700.


    I have been pretty content with the results with these cameras.

    I'm not finding the Olympus model you mentioned, but I have no experience with it, so I can't comment anyhow.

    I will agree with lensman2's and fhotoace's answers, and suggest that you consider a digital SLR if you are looking for the best macro quality.


    I'm sorry, but Yahoo! is biting off their own nose to spite their face and not allowing links to Flickr in Answers today.

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