USMC Reserve vs Active?

I'm enlisted in the USMC Reserve currently awaiting boot camp. When I interviewed the with the reserve station they indirectly told me that I would be better in the active lifestyle. The biggest reason I signed into the reserve is to finish school for a bachelor's then apply for officer. However the competition, the everyone hates weekend warriors, then I hear from some vets that reserve are treated like ****, given the **** work when called. I don't care for it I'm gonna do my time honorably either way. At 21 I just look at reserve better for me, to finish school stay close to home, I have a great job outside of the millitary. But if it's all butch work, **** treatment, name tagging I almost want to just go active then finish school after. Someone have some no bullshit experience on this? My recruiter said if I want hell get my contract changel to active.


  • Read this page about active versus reserves in the USMC:

  • Don't join the military if you are not okay with fighting with Al Qaeda. That is what going on in Syria. Politics aside OF COURSE THE RECRUITER IS GOING TO TELL YOU TO BE ACTIVE!!! Don't listen to the recruiter they will lie they are sells men for the military. Treat them like a sells men. If you are active you won't have a whole lot of time for school.

    Are you a decent student? Sign up for a ROTC program trust me its the best for someone in your situation. If you contract with ROTC you get full paid for school, you get officer training, and you get money each month while in school. Its a great deal and you get to have a pretty normal college life.

    You do have to be a good student its competitive if your a C student they probably will not let you contract. Definitely apply for a ROTC program if its Navy you can be a Marine officer. Also if you do reserve so you can finish school just do reserve. Don't get pressured if its not your plan or life goal.

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