Why do feminists dress flashy?

I just read this article:


and was ENRAGED by it. I think feminists are confused by a logical fallacy of sorts. So, women are more often judged by their looks than men are. Because in society the media pushes this sort of behavior with ads in Cosmo, Vogue, Cover Girl, etc. And with men, there is similar stigma, while less aggressive it's still out there in magazines such as Men's Health, GQ and few others. So the problem is with men, we are told if we're confident, hard working and have good character we can get by in life. Whereas with women, they're told the same thing, but AT THE SAME TIME, women have it drilled into their heads that their looks will get them by in life. And they believe this, and behave this way, and men react to it(it's simple psychological/instinctive reactions, and make up and altered appearances are designed to cause these very reactions to work in the favor of the woman). It is arguable whether or not men are more visual than women, but there is statistical evidence to back up this claim with matters such as pornography, foreplay and romance novels.


I think if the name of Feminism was just changed to Peoplism, or if it was dissolved as a separate party, but became a branch of humanism it'd be better.Because as long as it is female/woman-centric, it will always remain that way.


  • There are different types of feminism. You can look up 1st wave, 2nd wave, and 3rd wave to see their differences. "Flashy" dress isn't something that feminists are overwhelmingly supportive of. There's division in how feminists approach appearances.

    One school of thought might reject displays that would promote people being valued for their appearances. Others might think that stifling one's appearance is restricting an individual's gender expression in a way that might not be healthy. These differences mean that it's hard to cluster feminists as "flashy dressers."

    Something worth considering is whether everyone is fine with public comments on sexual desirability. Maybe you're fine with it, maybe you're not. Maybe it's just a fact of life and an inevitability, maybe you think things should be better. Although the Telegraph article is poorly written, women simply are more likely to be subject to comments about their sexual desirability than men. It is an issue that men encounter far less frequently.

    It sounds like you think that "flashy" dress is an invitation to comments on sexual desirability. I disagree.

  • Nobody is telling women to dress flashy or sexy, except themselves. If you do something just because Vogue or Cosmo or Miley Cyrus does it, then we have a problem.

    After all, women dress to impress not men, but to impress other women - They are competitive that way. Men are also competitive, but in a different way.

    It is what it is. People need to stop putting the blame on others and need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. The whole 'devil made me do it' schtick is getting old and tiresome.

  • I admit that any sort objectification against anyone - men or women - is not helpful - it's dehumanizing.

    The problem is that it is done so much to females that they literally grow up with it - getting the message that their looks are all that matters. Don't you see that it's hard for little girls bombarded by this message all the time? to be "above" it and not take it to heart? The only people who are even trying to combat this in anyway are feminists but it's not easy and even in the feminist movement there is a debate on this.

    Doing anything to combat objectification a huge uphill battle that is not won, but you attack those who are at least trying - not the media - how is this fair?

  • what feminists prove is that there are science deniers on the left as well as the right.

    on the right wing (politically) you have many religious fanatics and people who routinely deny climate change and used to deny that even cigarettes were bad for you.

    on the left, we have women (feminists) who think that men approaching a pretty woman, who is dressed to obviously attract attention is somehow horrible and needs to be made illegal.

    they too, deny basic science - in this case the nature of how men and women behave towards each other in what would be called the mating game.

    what's crazy is how few feminists date manginas, or 'nice guys'.

    just take a look at who women like jane fonda married...

  • They don't. Or else we'd be saying Keisha was a femenist.

    Femenists dress like mormons or jehovas whitnesses. It makes them easier to avoid.

    Ive never heard anyone say "man that person in the cardigan is hot! Dam such a sexy mistache".

    Also most femenists have that weird female mustache thing where they pretend people can't see it. But we all see your miss-stache. Easiest way to spot one. There are many public teachers who are femenists.

  • So feminists say: "Just because WE don't ogle men, men shouldn't ogle women!"

    So this way of thinking is flawed because:

    A.) Women aren't wired the same way

    B.) Men don't dress(as often) in ways specifically tailored to attract attention

    And sure, women will say: "I dress this way because it makes me feel confident, or comfortable". Unless you're going around and looking at yourself in mirrors all day and taking selfies.

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