TRUE OR FALSE: Do church scams exist?

Don't give me stupid answers or I will call you out! This is a serious Fing question?


Stewie - 10pts is yours! Game over!

Update 3:

Mathew - WOW the worst answer to this question! Thanks.


  • Isn't the church itself a scam?

  • Of course church scams exist. Look at all of the televangelists, with their regular call for money. How many of those guys are wildly rich? Just send them a check on a regular basis, and you'll receive a vial of "miracle spring water" that has been prayed over for you.

    One could argue that church is a scam - period. The Catholic Church has built an empire worth billions and billions of dollars, and acts like it is above the law.

  • Yes. Church scams have existed for as long as the church, and before that, they existed in pre-christian religions as well. Scammers exist in ALL religions. They take advantage of gullible believers and milk them out of money, property, influence, etc. Sadly, because a lot of scammers operate under the guise of practicing their religion, many don't get caught.

  • There are (were) branches of Christianity which viewed Yahweh in the Hebrew Bible (aka Old Testament) as an evil demiurge and that other characters (who are vilified as the devil in modern Christianity) were positive beings working for a greater god. Like the serpent in the Eden story and the satan character in Job (satan being the office he held, not his name). People sacrificing animals or babies or whatever is pretty much in the imaginations of Christians. There are people who use that imagery for shock value, but just like LeVeyan Satanists, I don't think they actually worship Satan as a deity. And if you want to get technical about it, Christianity treats Satan as a deity, albeit a minor deity unworthy of worship.

  • True. there is good and evil in all places.

    You seem so eager to point out the evils of christians but look all around you.

    the government has had scams.


    people make scams.

    there were racist scams.

    There are good and evil in all places. Instead of pointing out the church, you should open your eyes and see that the rest of this world is just as twisted, if not more.

  • "Church" scams. No. There are plenty of scams by people who USE the Church to scam people. I look on Camping as one. There is not one televangelist that I would say is teaching Christ's message for the sake of the message.... their real goal seems evident to me... money.

  • Scams have existed since the creation of the bible

  • Look up Joseph Smith and the Mormons. His scam is still going on to this day. Then look up Jesus Christ. That scam is still going on to this day. Heh.

  • First of all $ow your $eed$ then you'll see "MIRACLES" in all TV evangelists having a luxury life$tyle$

  • Of course they do.

    Just turn on your TV.

    Scammers will try to make a buck off anybody and anything.

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