How do you overcome a shy bladder?

Im 15 and in high school.

II have to go pee around people a lot.

Whenever I try to it wont come out. Same thing at my house. It's sometimes hard to pee in my own bathroom when my family is around.

This has been happening for as long as I can remember.

How have you fixed it?


  • I got over my shy bladder in the Army because everyone around me was constantly whipping it out and whizzing like no tomorrow... so I thought, "what's the big deal?" and I whipped mine out too.

    Q: How do you overcome a shy bladder?

    A: Practice. How do you practice peeing around people? lol

    By purposefully avoiding peeing around people, you're missing out on chances to train your shy bladder. Well... enough practice and repetition solves most of life's little difficulties. If you drink enough water and wait long enough you won't have any choice except to urinate. When that happens find the most crowded boy's room in school (not the one nobody uses!), whip it out and whiz all over!

  • I had it for years but was traveling a lot, and airport restrooms are busy- so you have to go and stalls are hard to get into. So I practiced and finally whipped it- I would step up to a urinal, not in a busy restroom of course at first- pull out my gear, aim, then look straight ahead, close my eyes (no one can tell, and lots of guys close their eyes anyway) then count silently to 20. Goal was to release the stream by the 20 count. Once I could do it every time, I lowered my goal to a 15 count, then to 10. Never had to count to 5, and realized I was able to just whip it out and let fly with no problem. Don't even have to close my eyes and a wall full of open urinals and lots of guys doesn't faze me. Try it or some variation.

  • Take as deep a breath as you can and start to exhale very slowly before you get to the urinal or commode. Cuntinue to exhale until you are forcing the air out. By concentrating on exhaling you take your mind off the matter at hand. This works for me when i have the occasional hang up.

  • Using cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best way to treat this social anxiety disorder; 80-90% of those who do get better. See the websites below. Good luck!

  • Cure Social Anxiety Shyness -

  • U need to go see a urologist. You may have a bladder infection or perhaps you're just very nervous.

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