Does clear mascara make a difference?

If so, what are the best brands?


  • Clear mascara doesn't really make any difference in length or volume, BUT if you curl your lashes, it helps you actually keep the curl. It's good if you have fairly long lashes and don't really wanna do anything aside from curl 'em.

    And since it's basically just gel for your lashes, don't buy something pricey. ELF sells a clear mascara/brow gel one at Target for 2 bucks. I have no idea of what the difference is. I use both sides for my brows & eyelashes.

  • Clear mascara can give your lashes a natural lengthy-ness and volume than normally. I really like the Maybelline Great Lash Clear Mascara.

  • No it really doesn't but it works as eyebrow gel!

  • Not really.

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