Character Names For A Novel?

I am having a hard time naming some of characters for a novel I am working on. I was wondering if anyone could help me out? Here are some brief character discriptions....

Character One: A witch and the reincarnation of Tituba from the Salem Witch Trials! Looking for something kind of dark and maybe creepy.

Character Two: A witch and the reincarnation of Tituba's daughter Violet. Looking for something dark and edgy.

And for another project...

Character Three: A vampire that is an unapologetic monster. Very smug and sarcastic. Smart and arrogant. Male.

Any help would be appreciated!


  • 1. Prunella, Vivica, Silvia...

    2. Astrid, Blanche, Belinda...

    3. Vladmir, Ian, Gavin, Damien, Jasper...

    Hope I helped!

  • Character One: Ispan Morgreth

    Character Two: Elyana Vendric

    Charater Three: Sebastian Allen-Clair

    hope this helped.

  • If the vampire is elegant, then I'd maybe say something along the lines of "Raphael"...

    "Ivy" might be a good name for a witch?... I'm at a loss for the names of the witches.

    A name generator :D

    Check that out :)

  • Here are some witch names I came up with:





    For character one, I would suggest maybe Endora because I find it kind of creepy..

    For character two, Elvira seems dark also, but I do not quite get what you mean by "edgy".

    As for your third character, good vampire names I like are:






    *My favourites are Severus and Mayze. :)

    Hope I helped !

  • Wow, that's an amazing idea!! I love it. :)

    1. Aerona, it means 'carnage' or 'slaughter.'

    Nemesis, the Greek goddess of revenge.

    2. Lamia, it means 'fiend (monster)' in Arabic.

    Nyx, the Greek goddess of the Night

    3. Vincent, Asher, Tobias, or Quinn.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck! :)

  • OMG USE BELLA AND EDWARD AND JASPER THOSE ARE FROM TWILIGHT AND TWILIGHT IS GREAT OMG I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

  • Aww but if we decide it takes some of the originality out of your story...

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