Car damage...does insurance pay shop directly?

Someone hit my rear bumper causing minor damage. I got an estimate for the repairs. Will the insurance comp pay the shop who does the repairs or pay me directly?


  • If you are making a third party claim against the party who struck you, you can ask that the check be sent to you. Technically, you do not have to repair your vehicle if you are making a third party claim. You can do what you want with the money.

  • Generally the payment comes to you. Sometimes it will be made out to BOTH you and the repair shop, but somewhere in that process you will have to sign off on the deal.

    That is what closes the claim for the insurance company.

  • Some insurances pay directly but others send you the check then you sign it and take it to the repair shop.

  • Uh, the money goes to the one doing the repairs.

  • depends on your insurance company

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