Do you think Obama did a good job?

Do you think President Obama did a good or bad job as president so far?

Here is my quick opinion: He is doing a good job handling foreign affairs in the middle east, and he is making the world like America again. But I think he did a 100% horrible job with the economy.


  • Of nearly bankrupting the country to where our credit rating was actually lowered. and we have great trouble just paying the interest on the loans?

    Of imposing a giant tax on the middle and lower classes?

    Of having regulations that make it hard, if not impossible, for small companies and businesses to hire more people?

    Of installing socialist concepts into this (once, until he got his claws in) great capitalist nation?

    Of giving great speeches as long as his teleprompter is working?

    Of taking numerous and expensive vacations with the government paying?

    Of playing more rounds of golf than any other president in history?

    Of seeing nothing wrong with approving of 800,000 illegals taking jobs away from citizens and those who are in the country legally?

    Of blaming everybody else for his failures?

    Of course he has done a "good" job at these. However, are these good for the nation? I don't think so.

  • I think considering what he inherited from the last administration. He has done a fantastic job.

    Foreign as well as domestic. The economy and the deficit was in shambles when George Bush handed over power to Obama. He surely does not have a magic wand to change what was handed to him.

    Much cable chatter and clutter commentaries in newspapers pin the blame for high unemployment and lack of progress of any recovery on President Barack Obama. The mess is not of his doing. John McCain would be facing the same predicament had he been elected president.

    George W. Bush left office as our economy plunged toward the brink of a depression. Bush spent money like a drunken sailor. He enacted a Medicare prescription drug program whose cost is approaching a trillion dollars without paying or budgeting for it. His Iraq adventure, a war of choice, passed the trillion-dollar mark and that tab still grows. The worst decision he made, however, was the $1.3 trillion tax cut.

    The only Americans flourishing in our country are the very rich who continue to profit from the Bush tax cuts, which Republican legislators refuse to allow expire. They tell you that taxes kill job growth. If that were true, the $1.3 trillion tax cut should have generated more than 20 million jobs. History tells a different story.

    What we citizens want is fairness. Clinton brought about a balanced budget and a surplus by balancing revenues with spending.

    I think Obama needs our support. We all need to give him our vote for him to really bring about change in this country. He needs four more years.

    A Republican should never ever be voted into office.

    Republicans are doing any and everything to ruin this economy. Can republicans explain what abortion restrictions, union-busting, & rigorous voter-ID laws have to do with balancing budget or economic growth? That seems to be the only things they think is top priority.

    They are bad news for our great country.

  • I don't think he did a good job because he broke so many promises.

    That said, I am not saying a Republican would be any better, in fact, I think they'd be worse.

    Personally, I think it is time to recognize that the political system is broken, no matter who is in office, the corruption stays the same, therefore mass voter abstinence and further campaigns for Liberty should be the focus.

  • Are you serious? What did he do good in the Middle East? Did he instate justice in Palestine? No! He also didn't close guantansmo. The only good thing he did was give his undeserved Nobel peace prize money to charity.

  • How can Presidents interest approval be so good however the process united states be on the incorrect song. straight forward, he remains attempting to opposite the mess he inherited from the Bush debacle.

  • He is a turd in the punch bowl of freedom

  • He's doing a great job pissing on the constitution.

  • yes (of being a right wing Republican)

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