college transfer?

Is transferring second semester of sophomore year of college too late?? i'm worried that it will be too difficult to make friends, but since i hate it here, i think i will regret staying. your thoughts??


also, i don't drink. soooo, i'm concerned it will be difficult to find a niche at my new school of kids who don't drink.


  • My son moved away and out of state for his final years of college. He joined a Christian Ministry Group where he made great friends who he is still close to today. The minister from the program traveled from Auburn to Central Florida to marry him when he got married.

    Transferring the second semester of your sophomore year isn't too late to transfer. Just make sure all your hard work in your classes with your grades are transferable to the new college. For your major there is a requirement that a certain number of hours must be done at the college you're considering for the final two years. Check the requirement in the online catalog of the college.

  • Actually, your main concern in transferring shouldn't be making friends, but how well you'll do there education-wise. That being said, it shouldn't be too difficult making friends wherever you go, unless you're just a difficult person to make friends with. I've made great friends from both colleges I've attended so far and considering transferring for the fall semester (I now work for a university, and tuition is waived for employees).

  • It depends on the college you want to transfer to. Each college has certain residency requirements for you to graduate without having to go to college for a total of 5 years. Get that information from the college you want to transfer to.

  • making friends should be the least of your concerns. it is not too late. if you have social skills you should be able to make friends with no troubel...

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