Conservatives do YOU underestimate Obama?

Obama can be beat but you can't pin B.S. views about who he is because he will make you look like a liar.

All those people who spewed out the kenyan born muslim terrorist B.S. now look stupid.

Obama will do anything to win a 2nd term even join the NRA.

don't ever underestimate him.

Conservatives do YOU ever Underestimate Obama?


  • I don't .. He has large think tanks dedicated to just this. He has the best strategist that I have ever seen.

    In fact most of the time I think O'Bama is just the puppet. (not really but he doesn't come off as presidential material)

    He has the media backing him up and they will side democrat every time. thank god for Fox news in that regard.

  • No -- because Obama is an section organizer who had 20 years of experience practise others the thanks to acquire and spend as a lot authorities money as available i could not in any respect underestimate that form of experience

  • Oh i never underestimate him, i knew he was full of 5hit from the start, and over the past 2 years he has proved that i was right about him.

  • "Obama will do anything to win a 2nd term even join the NRA.

    don't ever underestimate him."

    That means he doesn't stick with his beliefs, and isn't a good president. He would do anything to be president just for the fame, fortune, and idea of being president.

  • Never underestimate a master of rhetoric, like O'Bama.

  • No, he is a very charismatic speaker and has a great deal of charm. The Pubs who attacked his citizenship killed their own credibility i.e. Trump. It's turning into one big circus eh?

  • I think a lot of Conservatives underestimated how much more Obma could put America in debt.

  • It is impossible to underestimate the guy

    He's rock bottom

  • EVERYDAY and it's so doggone funny LOL ! All their "birther" lies etc SQUASHED lol.

  • he failed on the economy

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