Homophobia is a social disease?

I just got this on a bumper sticker for my new car.

What do you think of it?

Right? Wrong?


I like how you answer all of my questions yet claim I'm stalking you, WHITE TRASH ARMENIAN.


  • Absolutely right. Most people would never tolerate racial slurs, or prohibiting non-whites to marry, so why do they tolerate orientation-based slurs and denial of rights? Because it's not natural? Orientation is no more chosen than skin colour.

  • I think stupidity is a social disease, and homophobia is just a symptom.

  • Phobia is 'fear'. Should it be 'Homosogynist' - like Misogynst - hate of women?

    Some might 'hate' gays, but it probably isnt 'fear' of.

  • Homophobia is not a social disease, but homosexuality breeds one called AIDS, and it's been killing people for twenty years now , and that's nothing to be joking about.,

  • It is a fantasized construct. Perhaps you should worry about something else.

  • I say wrong. If people choose to hate I don't think it's our place to tell them they're wrong.

  • No, you're thinking of Hemophilia.

  • www.gaytostraight.org

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