Wrestlemania 25 card ?

1. Money in the Bank Match- MVP, John Morrison, The Miz, The Brian Kendrick, CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Cody Rhodes, Ted Debiese

2. ECW Title Match- Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne

3. Chris Jericho vs Christain with Rourke in his corner

4. Undertaker vs HBK with JBL in his corner

5. Last Man Standing- Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy

6. Beth Pheonix vs Trish Startus

7. WWE Title Match- Edge vs Triple H

8. World Title Match- John Cena vs Randy Orton


  • All seems good except:

    Trish is retired, so no match (although atm we can't rule it out)

    There's no UNDERTAKER in your card (we need him there) & probably HBK will face Taker (according to rumours)

    Seeing Tommy Dreamer win the ECW title at 'Mania would be FAR better than Bourne

    Bourne could team with Rey or Kofi for Tag Titles at 'Mania

  • Well, everything seems ok but there are a few the are questionable. Not real sure about Christian-even though it would be a good match. Don't really see the connection between 'Taker and HBK and I think the match for HBK will be against JBL. I don't think Orton will the only opponent for Cena-thinking maybe somehow HBK could wind up in the match.

  • 1. 4/6 of those wrestlers I agree with being in mitb, Rhodes and dibiase are a negatory in my view.

    2. I like that ecw match.

    3. Lame... Christian shouldn't be wrestling Jericho yet.

    4. Lame, but only because the jbl storyline should either be done by then or being resolved at wrestlemania. Hbk vs. Taker DESERVES to not have stupid storylines like "jbls employee" involved.

    5. Exactly what I'm hoping for. ;)

    6. Would be ok, but not likely.

    7. I like, I like.

    8. That's going to happen whether we like it or not.

    Overall : 6/10

  • 1. M.I.B i agree with everyone you said WINNER: MVP so they can have him be a face and prolly win us title what about r-truth?

    2. ECW Title Match- Agree again. WINNER: SWAGGER so they start a bourne vs swagger feud

    3. Y2J vs Rourke with someone in Rourke's corner: WINNER: Doesn't Matter

    4. JBL vs HBK. WINNER:HBK and start a feud with them prolly

    5. Extreme Rules Match- Matt vs Jeff WINNER: Matt with Cage making his debut hitting Jeff while on turnbuckle

    6. Beth vs Trish with Rosa Mendez betraying Beth and her going with santino. WINNER: Trish

    7. WWE Title- Edge vs HHH WINNER: Edge

    8. World Title Match- Cena vs Orton WINNER: Cena

    they will prolly have ortonnot win cause he won last year

  • Nice except it should be a TLC match between Matt and Jeff Hardy. Undertaker vs HBK shouldve been the semi main event.

  • i agree but:

    Undertaker vs Koslov (streak vs streak)

    JBL vs HBK

    MVP vs kennedy

    Money in the Bank Match :

    r-truth, John Morrison, mysterio, The Brian Kendrick, CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, umaga, Ted Debiese

  • all good but take out jbl from hbk's corner and y2j vs christian would not happen remember wm20 and shelton vs mvp for the u.s title and divas title maryse vs mccool

  • Why would Christian wrestle Y2J?

    How would Trish come back?

    Edge vs. HHH,are you serious?HHH needs to be out of the title picture.

    The rest of the matches look great!

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