How do u know God is real?


If u could e-mail me Ihave a lot of things to ask thanks


  • Lots of people want to believe in God, but are not so sure that there is One. I was one of them when I was younger. Then I started thinking. Suppose there is no God, but I choose to believe in the God of the Bible and live accordingly. What will it have cost me? Answer,- nothing! - But, if I choose not to believe and live accordingly, and it turns out that I am wrong, what will - that - have cost me? I didn't want to take the chance. Then, catastrophe struck. My 5 year old son was on his death bead. We prayed for him and he was healed within those same moments that we were praying. When we went to the hospital the next morning and I told him that we had prayed for him, all he said was "I know it" That was too much to just be a coincidence. Then my wife who went into a coma due to low blood sugar. Two Doctors said she was brain dead and would never wake up. They talked to me about harvesting body parts. I prayed for her everyday. She has been doing the cooking for the past 12 years. I have had many other prayers answered as well. I am fully convinced that God is real. I am fully convinced that God answers prayers. Your proof will come little at a time. I hope you will read the book of John in the new testament. It will answer many of your questions. Good luck and God bless. A brother in Christ.

  • Simple, because He exists.

    There is only one God (Jesus Christ), He exists forever, He is eternal.


    There is not even one human being on earth who doesn't KNOW that God exists.

    For his invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

    — Romans 1:20

    For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused. – Romans 1:18-21

    In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.

  • Simply you cannot know if God is Real or Not. You cant see it and you cant hear it or sense it or ouch it but You have faith on it.

    God is real when you have faith that its there somewhere if yr trying to find a real evidence for God. Well forget it u will never find one in this Existence. But its better to believe than not to believe. At least if u believe ur life gonna make more sense. As for me I really believe in God and Am 100% sure with no Doubts that its there Watching everyone of us.

  • I thought long and hard, i did a lot of evaluation and thinking. I spend 4 years deciding. I dont. The same way i know Allah, Yahweh, or Thor is real. I've suspended my judgment until i come up with better proofs of god(s).

  • God is real because we all need God. We are nothing without God. He takes care of us.

    God loves us. There is wisdom, understanding and learning from God on how to live a good life without fear. Seek God and you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and all your strength.

  • It's like this, you step out on faith, and so far as your faith takes you there God will meet you. And His existence is then a sure thing to you. You can know God if really want it badly enough.

  • God is real and true. He is present in each and every thing we see. He is taking care of lack and lacks of species around the world ..

  • you dont the bible says you must believe in god by faith only i think the bible is like a book of law to live your life and be happy it really does make you happier thinking someone is out there protecting you and helping you out here and there would make anyone happy but i think to logically to believe it

  • dear friend

    that was a question which I always used to ask myself ... since I started to know myself !

    I have had quite a long studying in Islam , Buddhist , Shinto , Jewish , socialist , Marxist and so on ...

    but finally I came to Jesus ... who completely changed my thoughts ,

    I can tell you ( 100%) God is real cos :

    1 - as you know you can deny what you haven't seen but can't deny what you have seen by your eyes . I have seen God myself and even can describe how God look like as an eye witness I can tell you : never believe God is not visible but start to believe he could be visible if you want to see him (physically)

    2 - for few times I have gone inside the hell ( spiritually ) and have seen how terrific is hell , I never had such experience before of believing in Jesus .... if hell is true as it is so God is real cos there must be someone who judge wrong people so they will face the outcome of their evils in hell ... perhaps you want to see a scientific proof , please read these articles which are based on a true event :

    3 - since I believed in Jesus , many times God warned me about some troubles which were coming to me and none of them were fake but very true ! if God doesn't exist so who was trying to help me ?

    and many many more proofs which I can't open them here ,... God is real my friend , believe in Jesus , God himself will show you how real he is that you can never deny his existence even if you really push yourself for ...

    I am saying this to you as the one who had no special willing to believe in Jesus but now he is a follower of Jesus. I am not saying this just to persuade you or push you to believe in Jesus but to tell you : discover God , search for him , use your own intelligence to know him , don't be afraid when you are getting close to him nor push yourself to believe God is just an illusion cos some people say this , people are not your life directors nor your teachers ...

    in my own experience and after seeing many different people , I am pretty sure you will be saved by Jesus and will see him by your own eyes cos you are looking for the true and that is a remarkable thing which brings God in the front of you .... in Jesus name ... amen

    with love

  • this is why and how i know there is a God and who He is. my ex took me against my will and dragged me into a lake in the middle of the night on may 28th 2004 beating me and submerging me simultaneously over and over. i was desperate because i had no hope, but i did remember hearing all my life about this loving God who i had shunned my whole life. so in my heart i cried out for God to save me and He did.He took that man"s life and spared mine.the drs investigators all said they had never seen anyone beat as bad as me and live. i lived 7 more years even harder on drugs and had severe p.t.s.d. i was ready to take my life but remembered what God had done for me. so instead i cried out with all my heart for God to save me from His wrath to change me to show me truth. the word came alive and i understood what was being said in a way i never had. later i was baptized in the name of Jesus and He gave me a new heart with new desires. nearly 2 years later im clean off drugs and alcohol and cigarettes. God healed me of depression that i suffered almost all my life. and healed me from p.t.s.d. as well.guess you could say i was lucky to have gotten so desperate that i would throw out any reasoning and forsaking all i had been taught and just seeking God with all my heart. i had no other choice. jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

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