How do I ask my parents?

I am a 14 year old guy and I really like this girl.yesterday she asked if I wanted to go to the movies with her bestfriend and her bestfriends boyfriend. I want to go but I have never had a relationship so I don't know how to ask my parents if I can go. How do I ask my overprotective parents if I can go.


  • Right now, since you're only still friends with her, just use that an an excuse. Plus you're old enough to experience puppy relationships, so just do your thing.

  • IS SHE YOUR GF ? If not then just say you're going out with friends if she is say the same thing

  • as it stands, right now, these 3 are friends, yes?

    thats how you ask

    Is it ok if i go to the movies with some friends?

    when they ask who is going, you tell them,

    mixed sex groups of friends is totally fine

    its not lying as right now thast all you all are, a group of friends

  • Your only 14!! Chill out, I can are y they don't want u to date

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