chocolate traumaa?

usually at school for lunch i eat healthily,then when i get bak at 4 i like to eact chocolate.

today i got home there wasnt any chocolate,or choc biscuits,or choc ice cream

or anything

for some reason i broke down into tears went up to my room nd started calling myself names like fat cow and stuff

do u think its stress?


in the end i had cocopops >.<


  • are you having any problems at school? Because eating chocolate afterwards may be a way of "compensating" yourself for the hard day you've had, I'd say it was stress because you weren't feeling up to having this routine broken.

    Why not try to change your routine? Go somewhere after school where you can't eat, teach yourself not to want to eat junk, or eat after school but only foods containing less fat/sugar?

  • I would desire to consider you, darkish chocolate is so good and that i in basic terms cant get adequate of it. I would desire to have a minimum of three servings of chocolate an afternoon or i will die, not likely even with the indisputable fact that it confident feels that way. i like milk chocolate besides, hell i like all chocolate, yet i'd decide on darkish over milk. darkish chocolate additionally has much extra nutrition and is best for you.

  • Maybe you had PMS?

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